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Unveiling the Progress: Jammu and Kashmir's Surprising Advancements

Jammu and Kashmir is advancing at a pace that may surprise many across the nation, boasting of strong health and social indicators. It stands out with impressive statistics for women and high per capita income particularly remarkable considering it’s a region predominantly inhabited by minorities. The Union Territory is making strides forward despite occasional Opposition protests, such as the one in September 2023 against the abrogation of Article 370 and the delay of grassroots elections. The Congress on April 1, 2024, held protests again at Srinagar BJP state headquarters against the Centre over its alleged attempts to cripple the Opposition parties ahead of the general elections. Democratic protests are back. It was not easy, but Home Minister Amit Shah, who not only led the scrapping of Articles 370 and 35A but also keeps a close watch on every development, observed and analysed with precision, allows such demonstrations to give a vent to the anguish. This was not possible som

Yoga, the science of ancient India.

It is well known, the science of Yoga originated in India, the land of 330 million gods or Devi and Deva as we call them. It is really interesting to learn how yoga was disseminated through a powerfully structured channels that kept the science alive. The process of simplification of such advanced techniques into chores made it possible for people without the access to the technology reap benefits from it without being conscious of it. It was due to the clinical methods adopted by the high thinkers that developed the tradition into the culture. A culture so evasively dispersed that it gave birth to the ancient wisdom in number of different ways. The fact that it remain deep rooted in the people of this land despite the centuries of barbarianism. Fear could never overpower the everlasting image of the infinite and the eternal.

The image of a temple bell that produces sound of aum and creates positive vibrations. A science of ancient India.

The culture that reigned out of Himalayas, spread across the subcontinent with a great vigour. The intensity of the dynamic knowledge was too strong to stay at a single place. Hence it reached out in different solidified in multifarious forms in different parts of the subcontinent with a coded purpose.

Rishi munis (ancient seers) dwelled into the seemingly unknowable existential questions that are still being sought till date. The fundamental question was the gap of subjectivity and objectivity. We can only know about an object to the point of what we know about it. The observer is limited to its own perception. Somehow the cosmos is in complete harmony. The balance of universe is awe-inspiring. To embrace such cosmic knowledge from through deductions seemed unfathomable. It was then the Rishis set out on path of yoga to concisely attain to their highest potential.

Travelling to the foothills of himalayas to study yoga the science of ancient India

Mind in Yoga

It was well understood that to achieve the highest plane of existential realm, the perception has to be evolved to a degree of sagacity to assimilate the resonance of the Universe. In course of action, there were deep level of researches conducted by yogis to study the state of mind on different levels. Unlike, the vague English term "Mind" Sanskrit has too many terms for different aspects of mind with respect to its functioning. It contemplates on psychology of human mind as well as being the deeper science of transcendental knowledge

These are varied channels of our universal knowledge that we normally perceive through concentration, mindfulness, tranquility, insight and direct knowledge only accessible to Sadhus. There is a large part of dictionary in Sanskrit language that stores different states of our mind like Bhava, Ligu, Manasvin, Turaga, Marka, Sarka etc. Each word connotes with the vibration it produces. Generally for learning purposes, it is broken down into 4 aspects to outline the course of research.

The ideals of an individual with the rest of the cosmos establishes a universal identity that makes the intelligence of human mind blossom in wonderful ways.

We take a look at these four dimensions and how do they function in their own capacity.

1) Ages of Tapasya (penance) and Saadhna brought the collective realisation. The same process that is happening at the cosmic level is also happening to the quantum level. That introduces us to the modern subject of quantum physics. The subatomic particles within our bodies are tuned to the similar significant process out on in the cosmos. There's exchange of information so on and so forth from one dimension to to the current plane. The first distinction cleared the stage of Mind "Buddhi" which means our Intellect. It works in a unique way.

Scoping out of the universal telescope, the Rishis experienced it through the most basic practise of our breath. There was immense consideration poured on breathing exercised and yogic science of breathing evolved in a manner to gain more access to the mind was extolled. A new branch of yoga under the wing of Pranayama came into being. It is proven through the scientific research that regulated breathing patterns and chanting not just influences but alters our biology and the chemistry within.

What is in yoga that is transforming the very nature of our existence.

A scientific way to lead life with better health and well being. Buddhi intelligence works through logial data and reasoning. It can work with only comparison.

It is not just the emotions but the functioning of cells in our body. It was found in a scientific research that a dedicated set of yoga practitioners observed more salivary stimulation. The compounds in saliva serve a lot of purposes like carrying protein and minerals to fighting off germs in oral cavity. It can be resourceful in old age when people suffer the dry mouth condition. Also, a lot of other diseases can be prevented. There's also a case of nerve growth factor with yoga. It sustains the neutrons in the body and creates a more balanced immunity system that can keep off diseases at bay. A lot of diseases that stem out of stress and anxiety can be rooted out with power of yoga. This is just a result of simplest of yoga breathing exercises.

The information was realised exponentially by garnering control over the mind and body with the basic practices of Hatha yoga. That is today popularised as the mainstream yoga. Also, seen as the competition to physical training and other school activities by the troubled leftist liberal activists. It is the basic form of yoga that inculcates self healing.

2) The knowledge is further broken down with the different dimension of mind "Ahankara" The imagination of "I" The social conditioning (false identity) that appeals to us as an existential reality. While it may very well serve its purpose on the social level but it doesn't not transcend the limited boundary of ignorance. The noble rishis and yogis tore down into the system of Samsara by explaining the ideal journey of life Brahmacharya (student) Grihastha (House holder) Vanaprastha (retired) Sanyasa (renunciation). It is said, that each person plays these roles consciously or otherwise. It is the only a perspective of grace that propels the statement.

human mind that works around a limited identity with false idea of 'I" is ahankara that works through the ignorance.

It is during these stages, the Ahankara constantly functions as the mode of survival. People get identified with race, country, gender, money and anything they find worth getting killed over. This is how their life energies revolve around their Ahankara with the primal nature. It stays under the garb of knowledge with recent events, the buzzing pop culture and the world designed around it but stays devoid regardless. It is not easy to dissolve Ahakara that binds us into a web of our own. These yoga practises emulates step by step processes to ascend to further stages.

3) It is when the mind is controlled, the awareness to the third dimension could be accessed that is the "Manas" (knowledge.) Illustrated through the Jnana yoga. The mental impressions that are transferred down from genetics. The core of the information that we inherit within ourselves. It takes an advanced mastery under a guru to reach this stage when the forbearance to perceive the knowledge could dwindle in a moment.

Manas intelligence is the most sophisticated memory bank that is inherited in our human mind and body across generations. It carries significant amount of information that helps us to do simple tasks. Activating manas is not easy at all.

There are many overlapping layers of memory stored in Manas
  • Atomic memory
  • Karmic memory- Sanchita, Prarabdha karma and Kriyaana or Agami karma
  • Elemental memory
  • Evolutionary memory
  • Sensory memory

It is the data that finds its expression in both articulate and inarticulate manner. When we see an empty chair and go there to sit it, it's not a moment of decision as it happens. It doesn't require an effort for the mind to process such information because there's already an inarticulate memory that is in play to carry out such tasks that we are doing without actually putting our mind into it. Similarly there are other such memories that are sustaining us effortlessly without us being aware of it.

The higher states of consciousness that elevates the spirit to boosted cognitive abilities, creative expression and direct knowledge of intuition.

4) Bringing us to the next stage of the mind, "Citta" (crystal consciousness) Consciousness today is an abused word which seems to have lost it's touch to the meaning. In this poor condition, it is not unfair to highlight the sacredness of linguistics that constructively sheds a light on the gap of objectivity and subjectivity. Citta is the state of union that eliminates this gap.  It is the state of absolute blissfulness. The state of non-duality. When Shiva and Shakti becomes one. This intelligence is pure as it does not depend on any type of memory. All the three types of intelligence Buddhi, Ahankara and Manas work through a faculty of information that essentially works on the bank of memory that is accessible to it but Citta is beyond these states.

Citta allows us to tune in to the cosmic intelligence. It is the most scientific way of going deep into the questions of existentialism. The cognitive, creative and intuitive states expand beyond the limited focus of intelligence.A research that was carried out by the Rishis (sages) of ancient India to its absolution. The whole bundle of ideologies, beliefs, thoughts, moralities emit out of this sophisticated system that spreads out in the universe stretching to the point of individuality. Connecting one to everything. Yoga is an ancient science that has made it's way to the modern age with distortions and commercialisations, It is important we restore our heritage and make it available to everyone to make this world a better place.

In second part of this post we will take a look at Yoga, The art of ancient India


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